All 36 /Art = Math 0 /Book Notes 9 /Color Mixes 1 /Essays and Enquiries 3 /Flesh Tones 2 /From the Studio 0 /History 0 /Interviews 0 /Masters 9 /Materials 2 /Palettes 2 /pLog Pith 4 /Quotes 6 /Resources 5 /Responses 1 /Reviews 2 /Technical Bulletins 3 /Techniques 5 /The "Science" Series 0 /Travels and Museums 1 /Videos 2 /Writers 1
“To Excel the Past…”
"... we must not allow ourselves to lose contact with it; on…
May 15, 2024/by tja“Last Words” on Painting
There is one thing about painting––you can be a student…
March 27, 2024/by tjaTrans Oxides vs. Siennas
January 29, 2024/by tjaThe Flat Tint
If anyone doubts what a flat tint will do, let him see the…
January 29, 2024/by tjaYarn Weaving
A Kentucky Limner in a King Arthur-less Court
Until that…
October 12, 2023/by tjaUntil that…
pLog Pith XVIII
There is magic to the mystery, but there is no mystery to…
November 6, 2022/by tjaBook Note of the Day: Preservation of Breadth
John Burnet's Practical Hints on Light and Shade in Painting,…
September 18, 2022/by tjaVideo: Lessons from Van Dyck
September 5, 2022/by tjaBook Note of the Day: Alberti on Beauty
‘Beauty’, he says, ‘is that reasoned harmony of the parts…
September 4, 2022/by tjaBook Note of the Day: The Royal Road in Art
There is no royal road in art. In this department of life, as…
January 27, 2022/by tjaBook Note of the Day: the Importance of Instinct
Velazquez, like every great artist, tempered his method with…
August 4, 2021/by tja“Sinking In” – When Oil Paint Dries Dull and Matte on the Canvas and Why
"Sinking in" is the term used to describe what happens when a layer of paint loses its saturation. If you, like me, often use an earth palette, then this effect can easily be seen when a layer of Raw Umber or Burnt Umber has dried.
December 29, 2018/by tjaAnthonis Mor: Technical Info on the National Portrait Gallery Website
Alway a delight to find this kind of information.
December 10, 2018/by tjaFrom the Graveyard: Formulas for Flesh – Part I: Caravaggio, Guercino, Reni and Caracci
Today I am less convinced that there is a formula for the color of flesh... but I do think there are strategies to be considered in terms of managing luminosity and temperature. What do you think?
August 19, 2018/by tjapLog Pith XVII
If the big things aren't right, the small things won't matter.Make…
August 19, 2018/by tjaPigment Analysis in Paintings: Titian, Velazquez, Rembrandt
I always enjoy have some idea of the kinds of pigments used to create a certain color, especially if multiple layers are involved. Here is a website I stumbled upon that has some nice presentations on this very topic...
April 20, 2018/by tjaGreat Interactive Website for a Rubens Show
I hope they will keep this up even after the show ends:
March 11, 2018/by tjaRubens:…
Track the Lives of the Old Masters
There is a very clever new website called eVasari: you can trace…
January 30, 2018/by tjapLog Pith XVI
You follow rules to go somewhere.
You break rules to go somewhere else.
You ignore rules to go nowhere.
November 25, 2017/by tjaYou break rules to go somewhere else.
You ignore rules to go nowhere.
pLog Pith XV
We need to be reminded: there is no beauty without rules…
September 10, 2017/by tjaThe National Gallery Technical Bulletin: Titian after 1540
This special edition is dedicated to the study of Titian’s technique and style after 1540.
September 1, 2017/by tjaThe Palette of Gilbert Stuart
From the Natural Pigments website...
June 7, 2017/by tjaThe Providence of Fundamentals – Learning to Draw Before You Paint Pays Dividends
June 3, 2017/by tjaThe Continuity of Light and the Criteria to Capture It: A Review of the Workshop with Charles Weed
June 3, 2017/by tja“J. M. W. Turner and other English artists of his generation relied on the development of innovative gels. “
"To paint quickly while creating exceptional texture and volume effects, J. M. W. Turner and other English artists of his generation relied on the development of innovative gels."
January 26, 2017/by tjaThe Pigment Compendium on Google Books
If you are doing research on unfamiliar names of pigments, then…
October 24, 2016/by tja“Flesh Spheres”
In January of 2014 I made my second trip to visit Odd in Norway.…
October 16, 2016/by tjaThe National Gallery Technical Bulletin: Sir Joshua Reynolds
This special edition is dedicated to the paintings of Joshua Reynolds in the National Gallery and the Wallace Collection.
October 10, 2016/by tjaTitian’s Secret Revealed
"He was simply better than anyone else."
October 10, 2016/by tja“Painter’s Palettes from Historical Writings”
A just-discovered great new resource by Patricia Railing.
September 20, 2016/by tjaA Poem from 1762
—The diſtinguish'd part of Men
With Compaſs, Pencil, sword,…
August 12, 2015/by tjaWith Compaſs, Pencil, sword,…
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings Online
For those familiar with Ernst van de Wetering's Rembrandt - The…
May 12, 2015/by tjaCaravaggio’s Contarrelli Chapel in High-Res and Head-On
If you visit the Contarelli Chapel in Rome's San Luigi dei Francesi,…
January 17, 2015/by tja“Aesthetics Have Nothing to Do with It.”
Nowadays the charlatans say it straight to your face.
November 30, 2014/by tjaFrom Odd Nerdrum to Igor Stravinsky and a Favorite Quote on the Creative Process
I have a recent habit of saving a variety of essays, forums…
November 29, 2014/by tja“The Four Techniques for Illusion and Volume”
For those out there like myself interested in technical art history,…
October 11, 2014/by tjaOther Excellent Painting Blogs
Research Resources
Art of Rome
Bianco di San Giovanni
Camera Obscura
Charles Weed
Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Waltz
David Mitchell
da Vinci
Gilbert Stuart
Grand Canyon
Harrington Mann
Igor Stravinsky
John Burnet
John F. Carlson
José Ortega y Gasset
Mark Twain
Michael Harding
Natural Pigments
New York Times
Odd Nerdrum
Painting and Drawing Art Studio of Rome
Pip Seymour
Roberta Lapucci
Sinking In
Terry Kirk
Van Dyck
Virgil Elliot
Recent Posts
- “To Excel the Past…” May 15, 2024
- “Last Words” on Painting March 27, 2024
- Trans Oxides vs. Siennas January 29, 2024
- The Flat Tint January 29, 2024
- Yarn Weaving October 12, 2023
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